
Since 2018, a permanent congestion has been declared at the DE/AT border, which is jointly managed by the German transmission system operators Amprion GmbH, TenneT TSO GmbH and TransnetBW GmbH and the Austrian transmission system operators Austrian Power Grid AG and Vorarlberger Übertragungsnetz GmbH.


A congestion at this border is managed by the German transmission system operators Amprion and TransnetBW together with the French transmission system operator RTE.

The capacity for day-ahead and intraday trading at both border is calculated within the framework of the European CWE project and, from 8 June 2022, the CCR Core project.

All public announcements concerning relevant developments in the projects and new operational processes or incidents for CWE as well as the Core CCR are shared via the centralised JAO message board.

Long-term capacity allocation 

Long-term capacity for the DE/AT ad DE/FR borders is auctioned off via the eCAT (Electronic Capacity Allocation Tool) platform at the JAO (Joint Allocation Office). In this context, the JAO allocates the capacities set by the transmission system operators with responsibility for cross-border transmission as “financial transmission rights” (FTRs) in monthly and yearly auctions.

You can find more information on long-term capacity allocation on the JAO website.

Day-ahead capacity allocation 

Central Western Europe (CWE)

Within the CWE region, day-ahead DA capacity for the DE/FR and DE/AT borders has been calculated jointly using a flow-based (FB) approach since 2015 and is implicitly allocated within the framework of European market coupling (single day ahead coupling – SDAC).

You can find additional information on the CWE region and European market coupling on the JAO and ENTSO-E websites.

Core Capacity calculation region (CCR)

On 8 June 2022 the CWE DA FB capacity calculation has been replaced by a Core DA FB capacity calculation. You can find more information on the Core capacity calculation region and results on a public test run on the JAO and ENTSO-E websites.

Intraday capacity allocation 

Transport capacity for the DE/AT and DE/FR borders that has not been utilised in day-ahead trading (“DA leftovers”) can be used in intraday (ID) trading.

The remaining capacity is implicitly allocated via single intraday coupling (SIDC). Since intraday trading on the exchange takes place continuously, capacities are allocated continuously too.

The Core CCR's own ID capacity allocation process, also employing a flow-based approach, will commence in February 2023. You can find more information on intraday capacity allocation on the ENTSO-E website.


Information on intraday capacity calculation, in particular about the latest developments in the Core CCR, can also be found on the ENTSO-E website.