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Reference time series for photovoltaic installations

Reference measurement methods

Service for distribution system operators 

The majority of photovoltaic power plants are not metered according to production output. Previously, the feed-in for these plants was determined by the distribution system operators based on standard feed-in profiles and submitted to the transmission system operator as a transfer time series for accounting purposes. These standard feed-in profiles do not correspond to actual (weather-dependent) photovoltaic feed-in. This results in discrepancies between the market selling and billing for electricity produced in photovoltaic power plants.

To solve this conflict, the German Bundesnetzagentur (Federal Network Agency) is proposing a reference measurement procedure for reporting relevant billable photovoltaic quantities. TransnetBW has developed a suitable reference measurement procedure that will allow distribution system operators to fulfil the requirements set out by the Federal Network Agency.

The service in detail

The distribution system operator receives a quarter-hourly sum load profile of the photovoltaic feed-in for all non-metered photovoltaic power plants in the applicable grid zone.
The transfer of the reference time series data is conducted via email in ESS timetable format (optionally as CSV and/ or MSCONS file). In addition, the distribution system operator can choose between a daily update (150 EUR/ month) or a monthly report (100 EUR/ month). The service can be provided to all distribution system operators in the TransnetBW control zone. For any inquiries or questions, please feel free to contact the persons listed below. 

Service Agreement

Grid Access

TransnetBW GmbH
Heiko Mayer
Pariser Platz
Osloer Straße 15-17
70173 Stuttgart, Germany
