Other Services
Project development and implementation
As a project developer, TransnetBW provides key services throughout every stage of projects for third parties. Partners benefit from our extensive experience and core competencies acquired delivering some of the largest lighthouse projects of the German energy transition. These include SuedLink and Ultranet, as well as our pilot plant for the Grid Booster concept – designed to increase the capacity of existing transmission lines. Our focus is on (HVDC) interconnectors, offshore connection systems and (grid scale) battery storage technologies. Transparency and non-discrimination are our guarantee for all services offered to market participants.
Overview of available services during the project cycle
- Identification and evaluation of the services required for tenders, such as tenders for interconnectors and offshore projects.
- Initial identification of potential grid scale storage systems
Grid and project planning
- Feasibility studies
- Initial modelling of scenarios and networks with calculations
- Drafting of technical specifications
- Cost-benefit analyses
- Early stakeholder management
- Concept planning and design
- (EPC) tendering and selection process
- Building and monitoring of essential supply chains (using established, long-term contacts with suppliers of primary and secondary technology)
- Development of concepts for connection, operation and integration into existing (TSO) processes
- Detailed engineering
- Commissioning soil and environmental surveys
- Preparing and submitting documentation for the approval process
- Comprehensive engineering services portfolio (electrical and civil engineering)
- Project management, controlling and monitoring of service providers
- Experience in substation connection and integration into (TSO) processes
Are you interested in our services?
Feel free to contact us!
Project development and implementation
Dr. Dennis KlinkTransnetBW GmbH
Strategy & Business Development
Heilbronner Str. 51-55
70191 Stuttgartd.klink@transnetbw.de+49 711 21858-3296
Strategy & Business Development
Heilbronner Str. 51-55
70191 Stuttgartd.klink@transnetbw.de+49 711 21858-3296