Market communication

EDIFACT market communication

TransnetBW is a central point of contact for implementing and refining EDIFACT market communication in Germany, and fulfils the following roles in the market in this connection:

  • Balancing group coordinator
  • Transmission system operator (TSO)
  • Balancing group manager
  • Distribution system operator
  • Metering point operator

The tasks are carried out strictly in accordance with the specifications of the Federal Network Agency and are based in particular on the following regulations, which can be found in their current version on the website of the Federal Network Agency:

  • "MaBiS" (Market rules for balancing group settlement for electricity)
  • “GPKE” (Business processes for supplying customers with electricity)
  • “WiM” (Change processes in electricity metering)
  • “MPES” (Market processes for electricity-generating market locations)

In addition to the regulations mentioned above, the requirements of edi@energy regarding data exchange (Regulations regarding the transmission route) must also be observed.

TransnetBW is actively involved in the refinement of standardised market processes via various BDEW (German Association of Energy and Water Industries) and FNN (Network Technology/Network Operation Forum) committees.

In its market role as a TSO, TransnetBW is also entitled and obliged under the "Law on the relaunch of the digitalisation of the energy transition" to receive all individual time series from smart meter gateways and to aggregate them into total time series by balancing group or balancing area. In accordance with the requirements of the Smart Meter PKI, TransnetBW acts as an external market player.

Since the introduction of smart metering systems is associated with far-reaching process changes for all market roles, we are providing an initial brief guidance on what to pay particular attention to in communications with the TSO (in the roles of TSO and balance coordinator).

The relevant communication details and certificates of TransnetBW GmbH are listed below:

Market roleMarket partner ID (BDEW code number)Communication data sheet  AS/4-certificatesExternal market player certificates
BKV9905278000009PDF BKVZIP BKV-
VNB9907215000000PDF VNBZIP VNB-
MSB9978852000000PDF MSBZIP MSB-