
Corporate Governance

Transparent processes for a successful business

In order to make the best of business opportunities and ensure the long-term success of the company, we have established an integrated risk management process. In accordance with regulatory requirements, we continuously monitor potential business risks such as market and trading risks, credit, process, environmental and project risks. Our internal control system (ICS) checks in particular essential billing processes; independent internal auditing monitors that processes are correct and existing checks are effective. Risk evaluation, ICS and audit reports are sent to management and the Supervisory Board and made available for auditing.

corporate compliance

Corporate culture at its best: corporate compliance

TransnetBW’s compliance management system ensures that legal provisions and internal regulations are always complied with. The company has implemented a binding Code of Conduct for all managers and employees. The Code of Conduct provides direction for the employees in their daily work and sets out a binding framework for action. In this way TransnetBW commits to responsible corporate governance, defines its expectations as an employer and sets standards for conducting business. With numerous preventative measures, TransnetBW supports all employees to conduct themselves properly and in the best interest of the company, within TransnetBW and in particular in their interaction with business partners.

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Merkblatt zur IT Security Policy für externe Geschäftspartner
Starte Download von: Compliance Report 2022
Compliance Report 2022
Starte Download von: Compliance Report Archiv 2013-2021
Compliance Report Archiv 2013-2021

The Code of Conduct for Business Partners defines legal, social and ethical principles and requirements that TransnetBW has implemented for its suppliers and business partners and thus creates the foundation for a trusting and lasting business relationship. The principles and requirements are based on TransnetBW’s Code of Conduct and the principles of the UN Global Compact.

Identifying and preventing non-compliance

Please report potential non-compliance or breaches in connection with our company’s business activities and help to prevent or limit damages to TransnetBW, our employees and business partners as well as all persons who may potentially be affected by non-compliance with legal provisions or our Codes of Conduct.

In particular, please report any breaches of general legal provisions or guidelines/standards of TransnetBW that may cause damage to the interests of the company or third parties. These include

  • white-collar crime such as fraud
  • corruption and breaches of competition law
  • violation of data protection regulations
  • breaches of environmental law as well as human rights violations.

A number of channels have been established at TransnetBW for reporting non-compliance. Please find contact details below. You can contact the ombudsperson anonymously.

TransnetBW has appointed solicitor Dr Harald W. Potinecke of CMS Hasche Sigle as the company's ombudsperson. In addition to the TransnetBW compliance office, he acts as contact for all employees, business partners and third parties for reporting irregularities or breaches in connection with our company’s business activities, in particular in terms of suspected fraud or other criminal activities.

1. The compliance office or the ombudsperson receive your report.

2. You receive confirmation of receipt of your report within seven days.

3. Your evidence is checked, processed and follow-up measures are initiated as required.

4. Within three months of receipt of your report you will receive a progress report.

The Compliance Office examines all tips independently and free of conflicts of interest. We use the information you provide within the framework of the whistleblower system, among other things, for the purpose of reviewing and documenting the reports, for internal investigations (including forwarding to external lawyers, auditors or other professionals bound by professional secrecy as well as to affected Group companies) and, if necessary, for forwarding to government agencies (such as the police, public prosecutor's office or court). Whistleblower confidentiality is ensured throughout the entire process. This is based on legal obligations in accordance with GDPR 6 (1) lit. c.