Übersicht 2

Policy and regulation

Responsibilities and topics

In the field of Policy, Regulatory Management & Sustainability we closely engage with the energy policy environment.

We channel political developments into the company and represent TransnetBW's interests and concerns to policy-makers.

Our regulatory management serves as the central interface to the regulatory authorities, monitors the regulatory environment and legal developments and ensures compliance with reporting/publication obligations.

Together with other departments, we have developed a sustainability strategy, manage and coordinate the measures to achieve its goals and communicate them transparently.


Political participation

  1. Grid expansion

    In addition to the expansion of renewable energies, the energy transition depends on the transformation of the electricity grids, which is a key issue for TransnetBW. In Germany, the distance between electricity generation and electricity consumption is increasing, resulting in a growing demand for electricity transmission. In particular, the wind farms in the north of Germany must supply the south with electricity. To keep pace with the consistent expansion of renewable energies, we urgently need to accelerate the process of grid development. We are committed to achieving this objective through close cooperation with TransnetBW project managers, as well as through dialogue with political and regulatory decision makers.

  2. Security of supply

    One of the challenges that accompany the energy transition is ensuring the security of the power supply in future. Particularly during this period of transformation, a stable supply system depends on sufficiently secured power that is flexibly controllable to compensate for the volatile use of renewable energies.

  3. Objectives and scenarios

    To continue the reliable operation and expansion of the grid, we must look to the future. For this reason, we need objectives and scenarios, and we have been developing these in the national Network Development Plan and the Ten-Year Network Development Plan. Based on these scenarios, we determine the requirements for grid expansion in order for them to be legislated accordingly. In addition, we undertake our own studies, in which we dare to look into the future. After all, the planning, approval, and construction times for transmission grids are lengthy and grids that will be essential in the future must be planned now. 

  4. Market design

    The energy transition towards a climate-neutral power supply system cannot succeed without a complete overhaul of the electricity market. From our perspective as a transmission system operator, there are a number of factors to be considered. Power generation is becoming more volatile as the electrification of the other sectors leads to greater electricity demand and increases the need for flexibility to keep the grid secure and stable. In addition, the geopolitical uncertainties that affect the entire energy supply need to be taken into account. For this reason, we will continue to contribute our research results and policy positions.

  5. Regulation

    A power grid is a natural monopoly as it would never be financially viable to operate a second power grid in the same region. However, for the purposes of creating competitive conditions and ensuring efficient and cost-effective grid operation, we are regulated by the Federal Network Agency (called Bundesnetzagentur) located in Bonn. The Regulation and Coordination team communicates regularly with the authority, allowing TransnetBW to meet the requirements of regulation while simultaneously tackling the significant challenges posed by the energy transition.  

  6. Europe

    The energy system in Europe is interconnected, and TransnetBW’s control area is located in its geographical centre – in essence, we are the innovative electricity hub at the heart of Europe. The topics outlined above have both national and international dimensions. In practical terms, a significant share of the legal regulations that affect TransnetBW is decided in Brussels. Through our own representative office in Brussels, we are able to engage in direct dialogue with European institutions and thus stay actively involved. As a member of ENTSO-E, the Florence School of Regulation, and the Copenhagen School of Energy Infrastructure, we also actively participate in discussions and develop solutions in the field of European energy infrastructure.



Advocacy in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, and Europe

At TransnetBW, we are deeply committed to the open representation of interests. For this reason, we are listed in the transparency registers of the state of Baden-Württemberg and the European Commission, as well as in the lobby register of the German Bundestag. In addition, the code of conduct that we abide by goes beyond the minimum requirements that are stipulated by the legislator.