market data

Key figures

Here you can find key figures from different TransnetBW business divisions. 

We provide transparency

As a transmission system operator, we publish numerous data and information from various areas of our business. Whether generation or consumption, load flows or network expansion projects. We ensure the necessary transparency and ensure that these data are available to all market participants in a timely manner.

In the following, we provide you with selected key figures for download. If you need further data, you will find them on our publication platforms, which we operate together with our partners

Photovoltaic infeed

Wind infeed

Total Load

Vertical Network Load

Zoom timeline

Nominal range

Actual value

Renewable Energies: Balancing energy RES balancing group

This publication is the compensation energy of the RESA balancing group used (detailed information). A positive balancing energy consumption corresponds to an under-feeding of the RESA balancing group, a negative balancing energy equivalent corresponds to an overreach of the RESA balancing

Renewable Energies: Unsettled RES balancing energy quantities

The difference between the quantities of electricity to be purchased or sold overall for the production of the band according to the respectively current infeed forecast and the overall quantities of electricity that are purchased or sold for this purpose by TransnetBW GmbH on the previous day of interday spotmarket or by call-off of hour reserves.

Renewable Energies: Photovoltaic infeed

Photovoltaic infeed refers to the photovoltaic energy generated in the TransnetBW control area per time unit. The reference sites in the TransnetBW control area form the basis for the calculation of photovoltaic infeed. Photovoltaic energy generation is projected by means of these reference measurements and a calculation algorithm (detailed information). These values ​​serve as a basis for the settlement of the immediate compensation of charges between transmission system operators

Renewable Energies: Wind infeed

Wind energy infeed refers to the wind energy generated in the TransnetBW control area per time unit. The reference sites in the TransnetBW control area form the basis for the calculation of wind energy infeed. Wind energy generation is projected by means of these reference measurements and a calculation algorithm (detailed information). These values serve as a basis for the settlement of the immediate compensation of charges between transmission system operators.

Renewable Energies: EEG-Intraday

Differences between the infeed capacities resulting from the projections made during the day and the amount of electricity already procured and sold on basis of the previous day’s projections are offset over the intraday market. The quantities marketed by TransnetBW GmbH are shown here.

Renewable Energies: Information according to § 8 AusglMechAV

Here we provide information about price limitation in exceptional cases according to § 8 AusglMechAV: Notifications

Cross-Border Load Flows and Schedules

Cross-border load flows are the sums with correct algebraic signs for all transfers from the transmission system of TransnetBW GmbH into the transmission systems of neighboring foreign system operators. The data published below includes figures from the operational measurement. We provide a comparison of this data with the corresponding commercial schedules. The negative figures correspond to the DE => AT/CH/FR direction, vice versa (detailed information).

Load Curve (Grid infeed)

The load curve is the sum of all injections of interconnection transfer points, power plants and distribution networks in the transmission system. The data published below includes figures from the operational measurement.

Total Load

The total load is the sum with correct algebraic sign for all infeed’s (generation units and interconnection transfer points) in the 380/220/110 kV-grid in the control area of TransnetBW incl. feed-in of Wind, Photovoltaic and other renewable energies. The data published below include figures from the operational measurement. (detailed information).

Control Area Balance

The control area balance is the sum of all differences between the reported schedules and the actual consumption which is the actual infeed from the power plants. In order to ensure timeliness to the greatest possible extent, the following data refers to the preliminary control area balance from the operational measurement, which is updated if necessary.

Vertical Network Load

The vertical network load is the sum with correct algebraic sign for all deliveries from the transmission system via directly connected transformers and lines to distribution networks and end consumers. The data published below include figures from the operational measurement. The forecast is made on the basis of historical records.