Winding up of EEG Levy

The law to reduce the cost burden of the EEG levy (the EEG Relief Act, EEG-Umlage-Entlastungsgesetz) will help to ease the burden on consumers from electricity costs. The EEG levy is therefore being reduced from the current 3.723 cents per kilowatt hour to 0 cents/kWh with effect from 1 July 2022. From that date, the EEG levy will no longer be charged on end consumption. This applies not only to supply structures but also to own-generation and self-supply situations. There is thus no longer any obligation to document and submit returns under the Renewable Energy Act (EEG), or to pay the EEG levy on electricity consumed.

Companies subject to the Special Compensatory Rules are also not required to pay the minimum levy for the second half of 2022 (see section 60 para 1a sentence 2 of the Renewable Energy Act 2021, new version).

Exceptions apply, however: Special rules apply in 2022 for situations that take the entire year into account on the assumption of a constant, legally determined levy amount. A whole-year levy on an accounting basis of 1.8615 cents/kWh applies to these special situations (see section 60 para 1b EEG 2021, new version). This relates to the settlement of storage balances on an annual basis and cases of self-supply using high-efficiency CHP systems, with particular reference to clawback systems (see section 61c and l EEG 2021). Please contact if you have any further questions.

Annual return for electricity utilities, self-suppliers and end consumers

The relevant communication requirements for the 2022 Annual Return continue to apply for the period from 1 January to 30 June 2022 in the case of electricity utilities, self-suppliers and end consumers. Reporting obligations for the whole of the 2022 year apply only to electricity storage system balancing and self-supply (see above) from high-efficiency CHP systems.

The reporting obligation ceases to apply with effect from 1 July 2022 for market partners not subject to whole-year consideration (see section 60 para 1b EEG 2021, new version). Electricity volumes supplied and/or consumed between 1 July and 31 December 2022 do not have to be reported to the transmission system operator as part of the 2022 annual return due on 31 May 2023 (see section 60 para 1c EEG 2021, new version).

Duty to register for payment of EEG levy up to 30 June 2022

If you are obliged to pay TransnetBW the EEG levy for previous years and/or up to 30 June 2022 and are not yet registered with us, please use the EEG registration page to pay your EEG levy to us.

Changes to the law as from 1 January 2023

We will advise you in good time about the changes to the law that will take place as from 1 January 2023. At that point the Renewable Energy Act levy mechanism will be removed from the Renewable Energy Act, it will be thoroughly revised and will then become part of the Energy Financing Act (Energie-Finanzierungsgesetz, EnFG).

Overview of EEG accounts

Under section 3 para 1 of the Renewable Energy Act Implementing Regulation (EEAV), transmission system operators are obliged to publish and keep available their monthly and annual income and expenditure on their Internet sites.

Further information on the account balance for monthly income and expenditure by the four transmission system operators in Germany’s national redistribution mechanism is available from the following link:

Further content