11. April 2013
A full dozen at TSC: Energinet.dk joins the Transmission system operator security cooperation
- TSC region reaching from the Adriatic Sea to the North Sea with 170 million citizens includes now 12 Transmission System Operators
- http://Energinet.dk fully links TSC to Scandinavia
- TSC is open for further candidates
The Danish Transmission System Operator http://Energinet.dk has signed the Accession Agreement dated on 27 March 2013 and is now the 12th partner in TSC, the Transmission System Operator Security Cooperation.
http://Energinet.dk is an independent public enterprise owned by the Danish state represented by the Ministry of Climate, Energy and Building.
TSC has been continuously enlarged since its establishment in 2008 and covers now an area with 170 million citizens. With this step all DC – links terminals from Continental Europe to the Nordic Countries are covered by the TSC region. This is another important step towards further improving the security of supply throughout Europe.
TSC is based on intense cooperative efforts by several TSOs in Europe. TSC fully supports the integration of the European Energy Markets and complies to the maximum with ENTSO-E Network Codes.
TSC is open for further TSOs to join. CEOs have decided on a welcome package for new candidates: possibility to become either full or associated member, uncomplicated application procedure and moderate registration compensation.
TSO Security Cooperation
The Transmission System Operator Security Cooperation (“TSC”) was launched in December 2008 as an initiative with a decentralized approach to foster regional European cooperation for system security in the countries concerned and in the whole of Europe. Its members are APG (Austria), ?EPS (Czech Republic), Energienet (Denmark), 50Hertz, Amprion, TenneT TSO, TransnetBW (Germany), TenneT TSO (The Netherlands), PSE (Poland), swissgrid (Switzerland), ELES (Slovenia), MAVIR (Hungary) and HEP OPS (Croatia). The involved TSOs set up the “TSO System Security Cooperation” with a permanent TSO Security Panel (group of security experts), new cooperation tools for Control Centres and a common IT platform CTDS for data exchange and performing common n-1 security assessments. TSC’s main goal is to ensure the overall system security of the European network, an area with 170 million citizens, and is open to the participation of other TSOs.
Regina König, Telefon: +49 711 / 21858-3155, E-Mail: r.koenig@transnetbw.de