10. September 2018
Go Live of congestion management on the German-Austrian Bidding Zone Border on 1st of October 2018
Communication to Market Participants: Go Live of congestion management DE-AT BZB on 1st of October 2018
All relevant governance bodies – of Transmission System Operators and Nominated Electricity Market Operators (NEMOs) - have confirmed go live for the congestion management scheme at the border between Austria and Germany on the 1st of October 2018.
This bidding zone split is based on careful and transparent preparatory work from a large number of involved parties on European level over the last months. It will ensure safe grid operations especially in the upcoming winter period.
Implementation of congestion management scheme on the German-Austrian border was subject to approval by the competent regulatory authorities of the Central Western Europe (CWE) region. This approval was granted in early September. Updating and testing of systems and operational procedures for (long-term, day ahead, intraday and balancing) as well as the scheduling and nomination processes were performed successfully.
The final milestones for the implementation of the bidding zone border until 1st October are the following:
- Long-term auctions for the German-Austrian border will be opened on the 10th of September 2018 at 10:00, providing the first capacities on this border to the market. The information of the offered capacities will be published on the JAO website, which includes a period with reduced capacities (4.9 GW to 4.0 GW) from 4th to 11th of October 2018, due to maintenance on a cross-border line. Please be aware that long term capacities will be allocated in form of FTRs which do not need to be nominated.
- For the day ahead market, the first trading day including the German-Austrian border will be 30th September 2018, the first delivery day is 1st October 2018,
- The capacities for intraday will be based on the day ahead left-over capacities and will be released on 30th September 2018 at 22:00 for delivery on the 1st of October 2018 as well.
The introduction of the congestion management on the German-Austrian border is based on the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators’ (ACER) decision on Capacity Calculation Regions (CCRs) from November 2016, that includes the introduction of a new bidding zone border between Germany and Austria. In addition, German regulator Bundesnetzagentur sent out an official request to the German TSOs requiring them to start preparations for the introduction of a capacity management mechanism. In May 2017, Bundesnetzagentur and the Austrian regulator E-Control agreed on the actual modalities for the introduction of congestion management at the German-Austrian border.
More information on the DE-AT BZB project can be found on the JAO website: http://www.jao.eu/ section "Support" subsection "DE-AT BZB Project".
The German and Austrian Transmission System Operators
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