27. June 2019

Michael Jesberger elected to ENTSO-E Board

  • European transmission system operators appoint TransnetBW Board member
  • Long-term commitment by TransnetBW to European domestic energy market

The representatives of the European Network of Transmission System Operators ENTSO-E have elected TransnetBW Board member Michael Jesberger to its Board. The ENTSO-E Board has 12 members and is elected by the “Assembly”. For the next two years, Jesberger will help shape the affairs of the organisation.

Michael Jesberger is taking up this mandate in very challenging times for the network, among other things with regard to the Clean Energy Package as well as the active design of the future European power market. Particular focus is on the topic of system security in the era of energy transition and European climate goals.

“The European transmission system operators are facing considerable tasks in the next few years. I am looking forward to making my contribution to this, in particular with a view to achieving the goal of a European domestic energy market and as a member of the Board, supporting the European Network of Transmission System Operators in its upcoming challenges,” said Michael Jesberger after his election.

Alexander Schilling
Alexander SchillingSpokespersona.schilling@transnetbw.de+49 711 21858-3449