01. July 2018
National Garden Show Heilbronn 2019 – a diverse BUGA
The National Garden Show Heilbronn 2019 will showcase itself as a diverse garden show – and TransnetBW will be there too.
The National Garden Show Heilbronn 2019 will showcase itself as a diverse garden show. It will offer a broad programme of landscapes, floral displays, water features, talks, sports, participatory activities and concerts for every taste. A city exhibition will be integrated for the first time. This is also the first building block of the future urban district Neckarbogen, which will be developed into a green city district by the river over the next few years. It has been deliberately designed as a densely-built urban development. Ambitious architecture, innovative technology and diverse potential uses are coming together to create an urban district for around 3,500 people with a variety of living situations and needs. Neckarbogen will already be partially occupied at the time of BUGA Heilbronn 2019.
TransnetBW will play an active part in BUGA and will be organising a theme island on the energy transition along with other partners.
- Starte Download von: Logo BundesgartenschauLogo Bundesgartenschau
- Starte Download von: Illustration Bundesgartenschau Heilbronn 2019Illustration Bundesgartenschau Heilbronn 2019