11. December 2013

Energinet.dk successfully integrated into TSC TSOs’ common operational planning processes

/ Danish Transmission System Operator (TSO) now takes part in the regular congestion forecast process and the Daily Operational Planning Teleconference
/ Further contribution to security of supply and higher efficiency of the operational planning coordination in Europe.

Denmark’s TSO, linking the Nordic and the Continental power systems and being the newest member of the TSO Security Cooperation (TSC), now is fully integrated into the advanced 24/7 contingency forecasts of the TSC TSOs: http://Energinet.dk’s user site of the common operational planning tool has successfully gone live. The staff at the control centre of http://Energinet.dk takes part both in the Daily Operational Planning Tele-conference (DOPT) to discuss the results and coordinate measures based on the Day Ahead and Intraday Congestion Forecast (DACF and IDCF). “The TSO Security Cooperation helps us to align the operational planning with the other European TSOs much easier and more efficiently in order to manage our grid and to ensure the high level of electricity system security around the clock”, says Jens Møller Birkebæk, the Vice President – System Operation of the Electricity Division at http://Energinet.dk.“We are pleased to welcome the colleagues of http://Energinet.dk in our TSC TSOs – Joint Office”, says Alexander Wirth, TSC’s Operational Manager from Swissgrid. The TSC TSOs – Joint Office in Munich, Germany is the place of work for 16 experts from the participating TSOs to perform their 24/7 tasks, support the TSC TSOs’ operations and to improve the security of operation and supply. Their key tasks are to moderate the discussions and daily teleconferences of the participating TSOs, support continuous quality management and improvement, to maintain stable operation of the common operational planning tools and to provide input for the development of new processes for the operational planning and common security analyses performed by the TSC TSOs. In order to fulfil the TSC mission grid data from all participating TSOs are collected, automatically merged together with data from the remaining continental European TSOs into the one European Common Grid Model, which is the basis for the network security analyses.

TSO Security Cooperation
The Transmission System Operator Security Cooperation (TSC) was launched in December 2008 as an initiative of equal partners with a de-centralized approach to foster regional European cooperation for system security in the countries concerned and in the whole of Europe. Its members are 50Hertz, Amprion (both Germany), APG (Austria), ČEPS (Czech Republic), ELES (Slovenia), http://Energinet.dk (Denmark), HOPS (Croatia), PSE (Poland), swissgrid (Switzerland), TenneT TSO (Germa-ny), TenneT TSO (The Netherlands), TransnetBW (Germany) and one observer, MAVIR (Hungary). The involved TSOs set up a permanent TSO Security Panel (group of security experts), new cooperation tools for control centres and a common IT platform CTDS for data exchange and performing common n-1 security assessments. TSC TSOs’ main goal is to further enhance operational cooperation amongst TSOs in order to ensure keeping a high level of overall system security in the European electricity grid. TSC TSOs are open to the participation of further TSOs.

Alexander Schilling
Alexander SchillingSpokespersona.schilling@transnetbw.de+49 711 21858-3449